About Oil Painting:This is a hand-painted product, processed into lines and digital symbols through special processing. The painter only needs to fill the numbered colored area with the corresponding numbered paint to complete the hand-painted product.
DIY OIL PAINTING:This number painting kit is not finished, need to paint by yourself, make you feel like a painter.
EASY TO PAINT:The painting of numbers suit for all skills levels, DIY Paint by Numbers for Adults, follow the instructions, paint by color numbers, finish one by one.
STYLE:You can decide the drawing turn according to your personal favor or in turns of the numbers. Paint out of your style.
Enhance Relationship: Share the DIY Acrylic Painting with your family or friends. Doing something creative together helps a lot in connecting people. It can help to enhance the relationship between parents and kids, husband and wife, girlfriend and boyfriend when painted together.